Ultimate disc is an intense and competitive 7vs7 team sport without physical contact. It originated from college students in the United States throwing pie plates and has now evolved into an outdoor sport that combines many athletic characteristics. Players score points by running in various tactical ways, passing the disc, and allowing their teammates to catch it in the end zone.



1.Scan the QR code below with WeChat to enter the "Yikun Discs Official Online Store" customization page.
2. Follow the instructions in the mini-program to select the desired custom frisbee style and upload the source file for the design.
3. After completing the order creation, wait for the designer to format the design.
4. *Confirm the frisbee color, print color, quantity of discs, delivery address, and contact information, as well as the preferred delivery time.
5. After submitting the order, contact customer service to confirm and make payment.
2. Follow the instructions in the mini-program to select the desired custom frisbee style and upload the source file for the design.
3. After completing the order creation, wait for the designer to format the design.
4. *Confirm the frisbee color, print color, quantity of discs, delivery address, and contact information, as well as the preferred delivery time.
5. After submitting the order, contact customer service to confirm and make payment.

1. Ensure that the minimum line thickness is 1MM.
2. Avoid: *Large areas of color. If there are large color blocks in the design, it is recommended to use 'dots' or 'lines' to separate them. *Avoid intricate patterns in the center of the design.
3. Space: Ensure a 1MM spacing between different colors.
4. Files: Provide source files in ai, psd, pdf, png, jpeg formats; png and jpeg formats should have a resolution of no less than 300dpi; it is recommended that uploaded files are not larger than 20mb; if you continue to have trouble uploading successfully, please contact customer service.
5. 2-4 weeks after payment, you will receive this batch of custom discs.
Note: Please ensure that the design draft you send has no copyright issues; Yikun is not responsible for copyright issues in the design draft.
6. If you need other printing colors, please contact us:
tel: (0574) 8822 3199
2. Avoid: *Large areas of color. If there are large color blocks in the design, it is recommended to use 'dots' or 'lines' to separate them. *Avoid intricate patterns in the center of the design.
3. Space: Ensure a 1MM spacing between different colors.
4. Files: Provide source files in ai, psd, pdf, png, jpeg formats; png and jpeg formats should have a resolution of no less than 300dpi; it is recommended that uploaded files are not larger than 20mb; if you continue to have trouble uploading successfully, please contact customer service.
5. 2-4 weeks after payment, you will receive this batch of custom discs.
Note: Please ensure that the design draft you send has no copyright issues; Yikun is not responsible for copyright issues in the design draft.
6. If you need other printing colors, please contact us:
tel: (0574) 8822 3199